October 13, 2009

I Haven't Seen the Stars Lately

I haven't seen the stars lately. Not because they aren't there, but because I haven't taken the time to look. My life just seems to be moving faster and faster, when I really would love for it just to slow down. I was thinking last night about how much I love the stars.. I mean I absolutely love them. They're my favorite, yet I haven't taken the time to look at them. I haven't even paid attention to something I hold so dear just because I've been busy. That sounds like a horrible excuse to me. Well that just about describes my life lately. I haven't been paying attention to the things I love. And I'm just going to be honest, I haven't spent much time with my God lately. I used to LOVE to have my nightly talks with him, and to learn more and more about him everyday. I used to feel smitten when I would learn something new and exciting about Him that I didn't know. My date with God used to be my favorite part of the day. First, School started... and that led to homework. And then I started working more, and then I started going to devotions of some sort on almost every week night.. And when I got home I would just do my homework and go to bed. I thought that the devotions would make up for my personal time with God, and it didn't. Just like looking at a picture of the stars doesn't fulfill my desire to look at the stars. It's so different. I have discovered I need my one on one time. I have started having my dates with God again and let me tell you, There's nothing like it. Nothing can take the place of that time for me. I missed it so much. I also missed this, a lot, a whole lot. I miss blogging. I just haven't had time, or at least I tell myself that to make me feel better. Well, I'm just glad I can do this now, and get back into it. But I am starting this up again. I shall soon have some guest bloggers, and let me tell you they're good, very awesome. Some amazing friends of mine. Oh, and I wrote a guest blog for Jake Branham's The Journey Blog. Check it out, TheJourneyBlogs.blogspot.com. But anyways all this to say, Maybe I'm back into the swing of things. I hope so. Well leave some comments! :) Thanks for reading!! I love you guys.

LiveWithPassion :)


Luke W. said...

I completely love this blog. I don't know if you realize how powerful this quote is, "Just like looking at a picture of the stars doesn't fulfill my desire to look at the stars. It's so different." As Christians this is what our life consists of so much of the time. We must see God and then He will be all over us (as I learned last week) and people will see that. They will see something different and that thing that is different is they are seeing God all over us because we have been in His presence! Awesome blog my friend