August 10, 2009

It's time for an awakening.

Hey guys! What's up? It's been a really really long time since I've done this! Believe me, I've really missed it. Well tomorrow is the first day of school, and honestly I'm absolutely dreading it but I know it'll be okay! This year, I'm ready to be the difference at county high, and I know I can do it. Well, not alone, but God and me. I used to think that God only used adults, so I would tell myself that I would make a change when I got older. Well now I know that that isn't true. And I have a thirst to be the change now. I know God can and will use me to do huge things at County High. I'm so ready this year to see an awakening at County High, for people to see God for who he really is. I'm ready for all the Christians to come together and be the change. I'm ready for us to fulfill our destiny that God has set out for us. I'm ready to see all the Christians to really act like Christians are supposed to act. To quit being hypocritical, gossipy, judgmental, etc. and to start showing people the love, hope, and peace Yahweh has given us. I'm so ready to see a huge change this year! I have committed to change myself this year. I have committed to love unconditionally. I have committed to quit being scared, scared of what people think, scared of the unknown, scared of letdowns. Why should I be afraid when I have the all powerful God on my side? I have decided to grasp the moment, and to live for now. Not live for yesterday. "I don't have time to maintain these regrets when I think about the way He Loves Us!" I think it's time to put our worship in motion and to live for god and god alone. I am committing to really being passionate about it this year. I'm ready to really live out my faith and show people my real identity, the living God. I seriously think God is going to show up at TCHS this year, if we let him. I want me and the other Christians to be salt and make people who see us thirsty for more of the living God. I want us to shine his light and let everyone see him for who he really is! I pray that God will use me and all the other christians in HUGE ways this year. I am so ready to seriously be the difference. I want people to look at me and God's other disciple and know that there is something different about us. And that difference is the hope God has given us. I am so ready to see a huge change this year. And I believe with God's help we can do it. I am ready to see Christians put their worship into motion and live it through their everyday lives. I think we can do it!!!! Are you with me?