June 8, 2009

It's time...

Okay, this one may be a little controversial, but I feel it needs to be said. Let me open up with a quote that was said in our sunday school yesterday, "The church is a hospital for sinners, not a museum for saints." -Abigail Van Buren. That's how it is supposed to be. In this post, I am not ragging on one church in general, when I say church, I mean the body of Christ as a whole. Syd commented on my last post and told me that some Christians have been calling themselves "Followers of Christ" now instead of Christians, because of what the term has come to mean. That just makes me sad. It does. What I mean by this the term Christian has come to relate to things like, "Discrimination, Predjudice, Hate, Judgement, etc." when it should be, "Love, acceptance, selfless, etc." I say our generation redefines the term to what it was meant to be. And don't get me wrong, not all Christians are what I consider the modern definition of the term. I know many who are the second definition of the term. And they are some of the most respectable, loving, and kind people I know. But, I also know many people who, if someone with let's say has tattoos and earrings walked into the church, would probably assume certain things about the person because of their outer appearance. I hate to break it to them but some of the most godly people I know have tattoos. And I also hate to break it to them, that we are all not "cookie-cutter" christians. We are not perfect. That our sin is just as bad as their sin. I sometimes think that some of us look at their sin differently than ours just because of their appearance when in God's eyes it's all the same. It just doesn't make since to me. We are all sinners who gather together for the common purpose, of worshipping and learning about our creator and savior. We need to become just what that quote said a hospital for sinners. We need to show them our doctor and who heals us and makes us new. We need to love ALL sinners. Not just the ones that our like us and look "good". We are called, as Christians, to love everyone. That everyone includes: People who are a different color than us, those with tattoos, gays, lesbians, gothics, muslims, druggies, alcoholics, chain smokers, etc. EVERYONE. We need to show them who healed us and saved us from who we used to be. We must love them in everything we do. I think it's time that us christians step up to the plate and become low to make God high. It's time we stop making everything about us, and everything about him. It's time. BE THE DIFFERENCE. I love you all very much. I'd really love some opinions and comments on this one please. Do something for someone today. LOVE.


Luke W. said...

I am very proud of you for stepping out and saying what is so true. Our generation will not, as dad says, "simply play church" like many generations have in the past. It is time we step up to make a difference! I am so glad to know you and I am inspired by your boldness and insight in this entry. See you Friday!! woop woop

Rockelzmoe said...

I completely understand what you're talking about. The word Christian as almost become a derogatory term because of all the hypocrites in the Church thus giving us a bad name. I know of one example in particular. I was watching this show the other day called "World's Strictest Parents" on MTV. It's about sending teens who have been raised horribly and sent off to another, more strict, family to live with for like a week. This episode had a girl who got sent to live on a farm. She disrespected the parents there in front of their children, never listened to them, cursed very horribly every five seconds. She was just bad all around. But, around her neck was a cross. A pretty decent sized one too. It's hard enough as it is trying to convince people to be better Christians as it is without having it basically mocked on National Television. If only we could have more people like us who are ready to make the serious commitment of being a TRUE Christian. As a very good friend of mine, who is also close to God, once said " Christianity isn't a religion. It's a lifestyle."

syd said...

I am HONOURED to have a mention in your blog. :)

My favourite part in this post:
"We need to love ALL sinners. Not just the ones that our like us and look "good". We are called, as Christians, to love everyone. That everyone includes: People who are a different color than us, those with tattoos, gays, lesbians, gothics, muslims, druggies, alcoholics, chain smokers, etc. EVERYONE."

I can relate to this because I have been called a goth countless times! Yeah, I'm way different than everyone, but that isn't a bad thing! Christians aren't perfect, you certainly got that right! It IS a lifestyle. One you get addicted to. I have seen so many people that are true lovers of Christ, and you would never suspect it! Sometimes I look like I want to kill the world but I don't (that may be why I'm considered 'emo'...), and sometimes I totally space out and don't hear anything or acknowledge anyone, but that doesn't mean I'm being rude - I'm just different...being who God made me. Not conforming (Romans 12:2), unintentionally because I'm being who He made me. By being different and showing people through your actions what you live for, you can show people that Christians are just normal people - we just have a close bond with the One Who made the universe.

Anonymous said...

Well said. I completely agree with you and I am glad you had the boldness to step up and share what you thought. I normally find something to argue about with anything (as you probably noticed in Fleming's class haha) , but I agree with everything here.