March 25, 2009

TRUST continued... Casting your burdens on God.

Hey guys! Today is been pretty good although the rain has made me incredibly tired all day long. I've been cleaning my room and studying for a history test so I have just got a chance to get on here. I think I have become addicted to this blogging thing (it's definitely my escape). But anyways, In church today I looked down at my bible and it's one of the ones that has the devotions in it and one of the devotions had the lyrics to "What a Friend We Have In Jesus." I have always sang that in church and I'm not a big hymn fan so honestly I never have really gotten into that song, but I actually read the lyrics today and they definitely amazed me:

  1. What a friend we have in Jesus,
    All our sins and griefs to bear!
    What a privilege to carry
    Everything to God in prayer!
    Oh, what peace we often forfeit,
    Oh, what needless pain we bear,
    All because we do not carry
    Everything to God in prayer!
  2. Have we trials and temptations?
    Is there trouble anywhere?
    We should never be discouraged—
    Take it to the Lord in prayer.
    Can we find a friend so faithful,
    Who will all our sorrows share?
    Jesus knows our every weakness;
    Take it to the Lord in prayer.

Okay so the line that really stuck out to me was O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer. How true is that! I mean, I don't know about yall but I know I do not carry EVERYTHING to God in prayer. Sometimes I think Oh that problems to small for him to care about, When it's not! God cares about ALL our problems, even the small ones. So why do we deal with all this "Needless Pain" and why do we "often forfeit our peace"? Once again I believe it may be a trust thing or the lack thereof. Sometimes I think we do not truly believe with our hearts. I think we believe in our heads, that God can handle because we can see all the hints of his power. But do we really believe with our whole hearts? God said if only you had the faith of a mustard seed (which is the size of the tip of a ballpoint pen) you could move a mountain .WOW! It is crazy how I, as a redeemed child of God, am so faithless. I mean God is suppose to be our sanctuary (the place where we run and hide for safety). Think about it, When you were a kid, there was one adult who you trusted, whether it be your mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, or even someone else. But we trusted them with our "problems". When we fell off our bikes and scraped our knees, We would run to that trusted adult and tell them to kiss it and make it better, and we truly believed that by them kissing it it would miraculously get better. Well shouldn't we be like that with God. When we have problems, Shouldn't we automatically run to him before anyone else and give it to him and tell him to "kiss it and make it better" and shouldn't we believe that just because we are giving it to God that it will miraculously get better and it will because the pain will be lifted from us. God will take it. With me, it's not that i think God "can't" handle it, it's that I think he "won't" handle it. I think oh he has bigger and better things to deal with than me! Well let me tell you, THAT IS NOT THE CASE! 1st Peter 5:7 says "Cast all your burdens on him because he cares for you deeply." And notice it said ALL. Not just some, or the most important, or only the big ones, but ALL. Anyways, I am getting extremely tired, so I'm about to hit the bed. Leave comments, Guys. Thoughts, Opinions, Oppositions, Anything, I would like to know what you're thinking. :) Have a great rest of the week! I love you all. I'm going to leave you with this quote: "Live careless before God because He is most careful with you."


syd said...

Kadileigh, thank you so much for posting this. It really encouraged me as I'm going through a test of faith right now! Keep posting girly. I'm following.


Anonymous said...

You have a really cool, cute blog!! I liked this post alot :) It's way true and I have been guilty to think oh God doesn't really care about that problem because it's just stupid or whatever but the truth is, God cares about us soo much and He cares about the little things too! Thanks for following my blog and be blessed!!! :)

Dan Williams said...

What is amazing is that TRUST is something that is built by dependability. So we ought to trust God completely because He has never let us down, but we find ourselves trusting in ourself or others which have let us down over and over. Maybe one day we will get it. Just trust Him because even when you fell let down by God He has not let you down. It perspective is greater than ours.